
Kanagawa Establishments

  • delivery type

    A woman comes to the designated hotel

  • Store type

    You go to the store by yourself

delivery type


Escort Service(call girl services)

Card OK

Mature woman 10000 yen Deriheru Yokohama

All options are free! Choose more than one and spend 10,000 yen for 70 minutes At our shop, we offer a rich service for 10,000 yen for 60 minutes to cater to customers with a wide range of sexual habits for women in the category called mature women! Now it's 10 minutes free!

KanagawaYokohama, Kannai, Akebonocho areaKannai


¥10000 / 60min〜

What is Canreserve?

CanReseve.com is the first booking agency that specializes in the sexual services industry in Japan!

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