
GunmaTakasaki, Maebashi, Shibukawa area Establishments

  • delivery type

    A woman comes to the designated hotel

  • Store type

    You go to the store by yourself

delivery type


Escort Service(call girl services)

Card OK

I’m Shake

Gunma Deriheru area business trip OK! Takasaki City, Maebashi City, Isesaki City, Shibukawa City, Numata City, Anaka City, Fujioka City, Tomioka City, Midori City, Kiryu City, Ota City, Minakami Town, Showa Village, Fujimi Town, Akahori Town, Miyagi Village, Yoshioka Town, Tamamura Town, etc.

GunmaTakasaki, Maebashi, Shibukawa areaTakasaki


¥12000 / 60min〜

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